5 Superfoods that Boost Brain power Improve Memory

5 Superfoods that Boost Brain power Improve Memory and enhance the ability to think and understand - EasyTips2all
5 Superfoods that Boost Brainpower Improve Memory

Our brain is the part of our body that drives the whole body. There are also some exercises to increase them and make them useful by doing which you sharpen your mental abilities. Similarly, some people are very upset because their children's brain is weak, they forget what they read, or if they say something they do not remember, the marks are not good, and so on. So here we are solving this problem for you, here are some foods that especially sharpen the brain, improve memory and increase brain abilities. Most of them you may know but if it is eaten for this purpose as it is its time then they show their work otherwise you waste all the food and drink.

Almonds and walnuts

Almonds and walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent the formation of proteins in the brain that can damage the brain. Walnuts open our blood vessels and improve blood flow to the brain. It protects against heart disease. Walnuts are said to have a brain shape, so it boosts brain function.

Almonds and walnuts

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are used in every home, including leafy turnips, spinach, leafy beets, etc. These vegetables are not very expensive and are accessible to everyone. It contains folate, beta carotene, vitamin K, and lutein and they are very useful for boosting our brain capacity.

Green leafy vegetables


Fish contains unsaturated fats, contains omega-3 fatty acids, use fish twice a week, and fish that are low in mercury. People who are allergic to fish should consult their doctor and use such supplements or substitute fish for foods that contain omega-3, such as linseed, avocado, walnuts, or other nuts.



Berries contain flavonoids that enhance brain function. It contains blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries, among other things, its ingredients boost brain function.


Tea or coffee

The caffeine in them keeps the brain alert, and research has shown that people who drink tea and coffee are more alert, quick, and present-minded than other people. They can make better use of their mental faculties over a longer period of time.

Tea or coffee

And remember!

Do not eat too much of these foods as they can be harmful to your health.

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