10 tips to use Onion juice for hair growth and skin beauty

10 tips to use Onion juice for hair growth and skin beauty. Easy Tips 2all

Onion is a vegetable that is not only available all year round, but it is also widely used in food. It is not only good for the taste of food but also makes many dishes. It is a very healthy vegetable. It contains many ingredients that help in the treatment of various diseases, as well as its juice, has properties that are considered important for the health of the skin and hair. Use this way for skin and hair and then see the effect.

Use for the skin and brighten the face

Onion juice is considered to be the best for many skin problems and keep it healthy, it is very useful for removing facial blemishes and enhancing its radiance. Onion juice is rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, which are very good for the skin. Here is how to use onion juice to keep skin healthy.

1: To brighten the complexion

If you have lost the freshness of your face, do not give up, put an onion in a blender and blend it, then filter it well with a cloth and extract its juice, then apply it to the face, and after 20 minutes wash your face. Use it daily. It will clear the pimples and ink on the skin and brighten the complexion, as well as remove wrinkles.

2: For Acne and Pimples

Due to increasing pollution Acne and Pimples are common nowadays. Regular use of onion juice is an easy solution to this problem as it contains a large number of flavonoids and antioxidants. For this purpose, add olive oil to onion juice and apply it to the face, after ten minutes, wash the face with cold water.

3: For skin glow

Onion juice is a natural cleanser, it is used to remove dirt from the skin. Also, you can use it as a toner or mask. To do this, mix a teaspoon of the basin and a teaspoon of onion juice. Mix these two ingredients well and apply them to the skin. Wash your face after 20 minutes. Use it once a week. You will notice a clear difference in just a few days.

4: For flawless skin

Blemishes on the skin can be caused by Acne and Sunburn. Onions contain vitamin C, which is also called a skin-friendly vitamin. For this, mix a teaspoon of turmeric in onion juice and apply it on the face daily. Massage lightly with your hands. The spots will go away in some days.

5: For clear skin

Onions cleanse the blood so that the skin color looks clear and radiant. For this, prepare a face mask by adding two tablespoons of onion liqueur, one tablespoon of the basin, one teaspoon of milk, and one teaspoon of nutmeg. Apply it to the face and wash off after fifteen minutes. The skin color will be clear.

Use For hair growing and shining

Onion juice is very useful for hair, as it contains a certain amount of sulfur. It is very important for the production of various enzymes and proteins. Hair is made of keratin, and the main ingredient in keratin is sulfur. Onion juice is best for hair growth.

For onion juice, take two medium-sized onions, blend them in a blender and squeeze the juice through a sieve. In some people, applying onion juice on the scalp can cause itching or irritation, so it should be used with oil or aloe vera gel. This will not only increases its effectiveness but also protects the scalp from irritation and itching. A few drops of perfumed oil can be added to remove the smell of onion. The best pure mixture will be ready.

Learn some amazing masks for hair growth.

1: Onion and honey

Mix two teaspoons of onion juice and one teaspoon of honey and apply it to the hair. After 20 minutes, wash it off with less chemical shampoo. This mask will make the hair grow and shiny, if there is irritation and dryness on the scalp, it will also get rid of it.

2: Onions and castor oil

Take out an onion juice, add the same amount of castor oil and mix it well, then apply it on the scalp and wash off after one hour, use this mask two to three times a week. This will make the hair grow faster. If you don't want to use castor oil, you can use coconut oil instead.

3: Onions and Aloe Vera

Take out the juice of an onion and add Aloe Vera Gel to it, and you can add a few drops of olive oil if you want. Mix all these ingredients well. Apply it to the hair. Uses it two to three times a week, it will increase the natural shine of the hair as it grows.

4: Onions and ginger

Take out the juice of one onion and add the same amount of ginger juice to it and apply it to the scalp and massage it in the form of circles. After one hour, wash it with shampoo with fewer chemicals, and use it every other day of the week. This will improve blood flow to the scalp and increase hair growth.

5: Onions and eggs

Mix one tablespoon of onion juice and one egg to make a good paste, apply it on the scalp, and after twenty to thirty minutes apply shampoo and wash with cold water. Use it once or twice a week. If you find it smelly, you can add a few drops of perfumed oil. The eggs in this mask will provide the necessary nutrition to the hair while the onion juice will play an important role in its growth.

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