7 Foods to Treat Insomnia Naturally - EasyTips2all

7 Foods to Treat Insomnia Naturally - EasyTips2all
7 Foods to Treat Insomnia Naturally - EasyTips2all

Today's hectic schedule has increased the average sleep duration to 6 hours (medical experts recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep).

Almost everyone knows the importance of good sleep, but it is often the case that they try to sleep but sleep runs away from their eyes.

Do you often have problems with sleeping or changing crotches?

If so, you should try a few foods before going to bed that contains ingredients that help you sleep faster and improve their quality.

By the way, know that lack of sleep increases the risk of many life-threatening diseases, while insomnia often indicates the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Foods for Insomnia to Treat it Naturally


Eating Jalebi, which naturally raises blood sugar and insulin levels, which helps you fall asleep in less time than usual.


Walnuts are a good source of tryptophan, a sleep-promoting amino acid that helps the body's clock hormones. An American study found that the ingredients in walnuts help you sleep as soon as you lie down.


Almonds are rich in magnesium, an essential mineral for good sleep and bone health. A study found that when the level of magnesium in the body decreases, it becomes difficult to fall asleep and the crotch has to be changed more often.


White rice has a high Glycemic Index (GI) which helps in early sleep. According to an Australian study, people who eat white rice do not have to wait as long to fall asleep, when going to bed.


The natural sweetness in honey slightly increases insulin levels, which helps tryptophan enter the brain more easily. Licking a spoonful of honey before going to bed is good and helps promote early sleep.

Check out these most important: 23 Symptoms of lack of sleep.


  • Cherry juice: This fruit can help you sleep while lying down. According to a US medical study, drinking a glass of cherry juice increases the levels of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, which can reduce insomnia.
  • Use of warm milk and honey: Drinking a glass of honey mixed with warm milk before going to bed at night is the best home remedy to get a good night's sleep. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, which increases the levels of the hormone serotonin, which sends sleep signals to the brain. Carbohydrates like honey transport this hormone quickly to the brain.

Simple Methods

If you want a good night's sleep, try these simple methods and get rid of insomnia without medication.

Creating a sleep-friendly environment

A quiet and sleepy environment is best for those suffering from insomnia. For this, keep all devices, including mobile phones and laptops, out of the room or at least away from the bed, as they may come on notifications that interfere with sleep.

Try exercise

If anxiety keeps you up at night, take yoga, meditation, or write a diary. Tai Chi is also a powerful exercise to reduce stress, according to a study, this exercise habit helps people to wake up early.

Schedule a bedtime

If you are up most of the night, your easiest home remedy is to set the time, preferring to go to bed and get up at the same time every day in the morning, as well as read before going to bed Prepare for sleep.

Take a warm bath

By the way, this method is not effective in summer, but in winter, the habit of taking a bath with lukewarm water one and a half to two hours before going to bed is a good way to sleep.

Look at the medicine

Numerous medications can affect sleep and cause insomnia. If you have a medical condition and are having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about medication or diet changes.es.

Check out: 7 ways to get a good sleep

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