Learn a few ways to keep your Sunburned face fresh and safe

Learn a few ways to keep your sunburned face fresh and safe. Easy Tips 2all

The sun's scorching rays scorch our face and cause our complexion to deteriorate as well as cause many skin problems, while the sun's ultraviolet rays also cause skin cancer.

The current weather is very hot and humid, which is why people who go out for work face many problems, which is at the top of the list. Sunburn of the face causes the face to turn red first and then black.

The weather will continue to be harsh, so today we are going to tell you a few ways to prevent your face from getting burnt in this hot weather, by adopting which you can ensure the safety of your skin.

How to protect yourself from the sun's rays in hot weather?

  •         You can keep your face safe in this hot weather if you avoid going out of the house unnecessarily. But if it is very important for you to go out, wash your face, hands, and feet before going out and apply sunblock on them.
  •          Wear gloves on your hands and socks on your feet to protect your hands and feet from color and skin burns.
  •          If you are out in the sun for more than 2 hours, reapply sunblock on your face.
  •          Remember that the sunblock or sun cream you use must include SPF-20 or SPF-30.
  •          When going out in the sun, wear a shaded hat or take an umbrella.
  •          After drying the sweat for a while after coming back from outside, must take a bath and massage the tomato on the face including hands and feet.

Skin is scorched by the sun's rays, apply a face mask

If you have failed to protect your skin after all possible efforts and your face or hands and feet have been burnt and hurt by the sun, then applying a face mask will make your skin fresh and lush in minutes.

Face mask making: Mix 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix 1 pinch of turmeric powder in it and apply on your face, After 15 minutes wash your face thoroughly with cold water.

Using this face mask will soothe your sunburned skin and get it back to normal, but if you have to go out every day, you must do a face cleanser in addition to this mask and use tomatoes. Massage the face. It will play an important role in brightening the burnt skin and complexion.

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