What are the best foods for a restful sleep?

What are the best foods for a restful sleep? Easytips2all

Good restful sleep can keep your brain healthy and boost your immune system.

Experts recommend that you get between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

For good restful sleep, experts recommend the best foods that you can eat before bed to improve your sleep.


Cherries are known as sleep-promoting food because they naturally contain melatonin. Eating cherries or drinking cherry juice helps to promote long and deep sleep.

What are the best foods for a restful sleep? Cherries Easytips2all

Honey and warm water

Also, if you eat honey before going to bed, you will get a good night's sleep. At the same time, experts say that a mug of warm water, lemon, and honey is an excellent drink to soothe the body and bring sleep at night.

What are the best foods for a restful sleep? Honey and warm water Easytips2all

What are the best foods for a restful sleep? Warm water Easytips2all
Warm water


Bananas are great food, but if you usually eat bananas for breakfast, you may want to consider enjoying them before going to bed. Due to its high magnesium content, it relaxes the muscles and relaxes the body. If you want a good night's sleep, you must eat bananas before going to bed.

What are the best foods for a restful sleep? Banana Easytips2all


Eating almonds in moderation every day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It has been claimed that almonds are effective in improving sleep. This is because almonds, along with other types of nuts, are a source of the hormone melatonin, which promotes restful sleep.

What are the best foods for a restful sleep? Almond nuts Easytips2all

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