7 Easy Ways to control Depression (Anxiety) - Easy Tips 2all

7 Easy Ways to control Depression (Anxiety) - Easy Tips 2all

Suddenly getting angry and in a few seconds the anger cools down, shouting at someone for no reason and venting your anger on someone else, but later regretting it. These signs indicate that you are suffering from depression.

Here are 7 easy ways you can reduce Depression (Anxiety) and control your anger.

1. Love yourself

Anger comes when you feel bad about something, and such a situation arises when negative thoughts dominate the mind.

To avoid this situation, 

love yourself 

Think positively 

Remember, negative thinking will always raise your blood pressure, which leads to anger.

In such a situation, standing in front of a mirror, staring at your face, feeling yourself, looking at your pictures, and research shows that this process of self-contact releases   and some chemicals, creating a wave of happiness inside you.

2. Keep your hands warm

When you feel angry, rub your hands together. Doing so will warm your hands, and in a state of anger will slow the rapid flow of blood to the nervous system.

You may have noticed that whenever you suddenly get angry, your whole body gets hot. In fact, during this time, blood flow throughout the body becomes much faster. Whenever you get angry, start rubbing your hands to control the condition.

3. Plant trees

According to research in the Netherlands, spending half an hour caring for plants relieves stress as much as reading an interesting book in a quiet room.

Another piece of research has shown that while caring for plants, you come into contact with elements in the soil that reduce stress and allow you to concentrate better.

Spend half an hour a day caring for plants at home. If you have less space in your home, you can also plant in pots and bottles.

You can get the same benefits by taking care of the fish aquarium.

4. Take a deep breath

According to scientists, in order to control anger, it is necessary to take deep breaths and then exhale. This process stimulates the nervous system, which slows down the heartbeat. It reduces stress and anger. So, whenever you get angry, deep breathe three times and let it out.

In addition to deep breathing, you can try other simple deep breathing techniques to control your anger. Counting slowly to ten can give you a chance to pause and think before you answer. Another effective way is to get away from the situation that is making you angry, give yourself time to cool down.

Engaging in a relaxing activity such as reading or drawing can also help distract you from your anger.

Remember, the goal of anger management is to find what works best for you to stay calm and in control. By practicing these techniques regularly, you can improve your ability to manage anger and reduce its impact on your daily life.


5. Eat whole grains

If you are getting very angry, the best way to get rid of it is to eat whole grains. Half an hour after eating it, you will feel better.

Scientists say that carbohydrates increase the amount of sugar in the blood, which increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that sends a positive message to the brain.

At least 30 grams of carbohydrates a day should be taken to reduce stress and anger.

6. Help peoples

Helping people is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. It is truly a priceless feeling to see happiness on the faces of others because of your selfless deeds. You must have felt this joy when you gave something of yours to someone in need through charity. By helping others, you not only provide help to someone who needs it, but you also give yourself a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Acts of kindness can be simple, like sharing food with a hungry person, donating clothes you no longer need, or helping a neighbor. These small actions can make a positive impact on someone's life and spread positivity in society. What's more, helping others can boost your own mood and reduce stress, making you feel more connected to your community.

Remember, every little bit counts, and your efforts to help others can make the world a better place, one action at a time.

7. Keep smiling

Always keep smiling, because laughter is the only thing that can take away all your sadness. If you are going through a difficult time, a smile in this situation will make you forget all your sorrows. This will reduce your anger and you will always get in the habit of thinking positively.

So always keep smiling and sharing happiness.

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