How can diabetics stop craving sweets?

How can diabetics stop craving sweets?

Different physicians have different opinions about this disease

One group believes that it is a metabolic disorder that causes ingested glucose to fail to become part of the body and thus remains in the bloodstream, causing discomfort at various stages.

The other group claims that diabetes is caused by mental retardation and has nothing to do with eating or not eating glucose.

The third group believes that insulin sensitivity is reduced in the cells of the human body, so instead of absorbing glucose and gaining energy, they allow glucose to remain in the blood and become emaciated.

According to the fourth group, which is the foremost among the doctors, this condition is a symptom of kidney failure, because diabetic patients have kidney failure, whereas according to diabetics, diabetes is an inherited disease.

Can diabetes be controlled permanently?

Therefore, due to these differences of opinion, it has not been possible to find a complete cure for diabetes to date. The amount of glucose in the blood is controlled only temporarily, not permanently.

Is Walking Good for diabetics?

According to doctors, Walking is recommended to increase the ability of cells to absorb glucose. In the human body, certain components are found in receptors, such as nicotine, caffeine, glucose, etc. When the cells are deficient in these components, their specific type of thirst is manifested, as well as sleep deprivation, increased heart rate, anxiety, and the intense demand for this component. This condition is called 'craving'.

The problem with this craving is that the longer you get used to it, the more you will need to give up this ingredient, so young children are not allowed to drink cold drinks and tea, coffee, etc if they get used to it as they get older. It will not be possible to leave again, and without this thing, we will have to get out of trouble. But glucose is something that children love to eat and enjoy since childhood, so later in life, when they develop diabetes, it is very difficult and harmful to give up glucose.

Similarly, the condition of salt is such that some people add more salt to their food from childhood and it improves digestion. If they suffer from high blood pressure, the use of salt not only upsets their stomach but also makes them feel lethargic and restless.

Some physicians have suggested that the solution to this problem should be to eat sweet food at breakfast and not throughout the day, but after such a diet to build the body through walking and exercise.

Remember, fifty million people in the United States have diabetes

The story of an American man who overcame a craving for sweets

The man did not show any signs of diabetes, but when he had a blood test, he found out how sick he was. His liver was badly damaged. He did not give up and, according to the doctor's advice, enrolled online in a diabetes control class, where he was advised to make healthy lifestyle changes. So he made a diet plan and followed it.

Remember, in his life till now he was very keen on eating sweets. There was no food after which he did not eat sweets. But then he decided to change his lifestyle.

When he got out of bed that day he would start a successful day, after making the bed he would formulate rules and regulations and follow them all day long. He exercised every morning. He kept himself away from social media because he knew that it would only give him false information about food, nutrition, and alertness.

He does not go through the streets where there is a restaurant and does not even watch television channels where cooking was taught. If he had to go to a bakery, he would talk to himself and say: I will not buy one of these biscuits or donuts. He never ate biscuits or junk foods. Yes, but when he was very compelled, sometimes he would eat something sweet that he was very fond of. When he liked sweet syrup, he would drink cold water and reassure himself that it was the same syrup that would quench his thirst for sweetness. As a result, he found that according to the A1C test report, his blood sugar remained close to 6%,  His blood sugar remained below 200 and he lost 20 pounds and his body became fresh and strong. Other than that, he was freed from the bondage of "craving" and moved on to a happier and healthier life.

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